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Love cards: Three of Hearts

Specify your date of birth and/or the date of birth of your loved one to learn about yourself and your partner.



Three of Hearts


3 - Three of Hearts
variety in love

Personality Description

The 3♥ stands first in the Main Life Spread of cards. Its symbol is the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. The reason for their fall was temptation, and the 3♥ represents this temptation on the most diverse levels. In addition, as the first Life Spread Card, it embodies the moment of entering the world of duality and blending. The experience of the 3♥ can be compared to the first landing on some alien planet, where you need to carefully consider every step.

In this regard, the Hearts Threes are distinguished by insatiable curiosity and endowed with excellent mental abilities that allow them to evaluate and analyze everything that comes into their field of vision. They are excellent communicators and can cooperate with representatives of both sexes. They are progressive at work. They often manage to improve their financial or living situation through travel or professional innovations. The Hearts Threes are hardworking and succeed in any endeavor. But to feel happy, they must travel often or constantly change something in their lives. The Hearts Threes have a magnificent creative potential and artistic talent. The ability to express themselves is one of their brightest qualities.

The two most important lessons that the 3♥ must learn in their life are: to overcome the fear of poverty and to turn their indecision into a creative approach to work. The Hearts Threes need to believe that if necessary, they will always be able to find the means to live. Worrying about money (justified or not) is actually explained by the fact that the Hearts Threes just can't decide what is most important in life for them. Here, their innate creative abilities can play a cruel trick on them, turning into a heavy burden of doubts. The Hearts Three faces such a variety of ideas to start working on that none of them is completed and brings material stability. The same indecision may lie at the root of the difficult and karmically conditioned love relationships in which the Hearts Threes come across people with similar traits and make them doubt whether they are loved or not.

If the 3♥ realizes the value of stability and solidity in life, its creative abilities will turn into real talent that will quickly lead to the set goal. Having mastered the idea that giving is no worse than receiving, the Hearts Three will find happiness in self-sacrifice and trust. And if they devote themselves to the issues of metaphysics or religion, they will achieve even greater harmony and inner peace.

The Relationships of the Hearts Threes with Other People

All Threes strive for freedom, wanting to explore the possibilities offered by fate. The 3♥, sharing this quality, is more susceptible to mental and emotional delusions than others. Trying to understand what and whom he loves, a person with this Birth Card often begins to experience doubts and dissatisfaction, even if the perfect partner is next to him. At a deeper level, the 3♥ symbolizes emotional insecurity. The main questions that occupy it are: "Will they love me?" and "Will I find happiness in love?". The reason for this insecurity is often the emotional disappointments experienced in childhood. Sometimes the Hearts Threes experience insecurity in the sexual sphere, which leads them to experimentation. In their search for wisdom, the Hearts Threes often try to comprehend the ideas of bisexuality and homosexuality.

The first Karmic Card of the 3♥ is the Ace of Hearts. This means that the Hearts Three must definitely spend some time alone in order to become more self-sufficient in the emotional sphere. Having learned to direct some of their energy inward, the 3♥ stops so desperately caring about getting love from other people. And then her love life becomes more joyful and easy, which is what most Hearts Threes strive for.

People with this Birth Card are usually very attractive and charming, and starting a romantic relationship is not difficult for them. Problems begin later. Usually, the Hearts Threes are drawn to intellectual, but equally indecisive partners as themselves. The 3♥ is one of the most inconstant cards in the deck, but this same property can manifest itself as the ability to communicate and self-express. The root of the inconstancy of this card is in emotional conflicts and fear of attachment. The 3♥ must gain wisdom in love by testing all possible relationship options. This experience will help them cope with indecision and ultimately achieve success in a romantic union.

Compatibility of the Hearts Threes with Other Birth Cards

The Hearts Three men are drawn to Club women. They are also attracted to Diamond women. The Hearts Three women often have very difficult relationships with Club and Hearts men. Spade men find the Hearts Three women very attractive, but "inconvenient" for living together in other aspects.

Creativity and Indecision of the Threes

All people whose Birth Card is the Three strongly identify with their creative abilities. Being the first in the line of Threes, the 3♥ most often makes mistakes characteristic of a young age (the ♥ suit), and from school years has to face the harsh realities of life. To better understand such people, we should look more closely at the meaning of the number 3. Three is two plus one. Two symbolizes union and completeness, balance and stability, a happy and harmonious pair. This is the innate part of the personality of the Threes. In other words, the hidden energy of the Two indicates that the Threes highly value partnerships. The feminine principle of the Two allows them to be content with what is already in their life - whether it's a person, a job, or an idea. And the One added to the Two is the masculine principle that prompts the Three to move forward and experience new sensations. However, the Three does not want to part with what it already has (the Two) in order to acquire new experiences. The Threes want to possess both what they already have and what they don't have. Other cards with odd numbers also have a tendency towards novelty, but the Three differs from them precisely in this desire to simultaneously retain the old.

For the 3♥, this can be a serious problem, especially in personal relationships. First of all, there are hardly many partners willing to play the role of "one of many" in the life of a Three. All Threes (and the 3♥ in particular) often have to deceive their partners in order to maintain all their numerous connections. Lies take a lot of effort and cause stress, but thanks to their creative abilities, the Threes manage this problem quite effectively. Furthermore, since the Threes constantly change their attachments, they feel insecure and afraid of not receiving enough love, but this anxiety only leads to the establishment of new relationships, and in some cases this cycle can repeat indefinitely. The Three ends up on the "carousel of love," which brings little real emotional satisfaction, but a lot of variety. On the one hand, it's fun and exciting, but on the other, it can shake the nerves and lead to emotional breakdowns.

The main lesson that most Threes should learn is that truly close relationships require dependence. Every person to a certain extent strives for emotional closeness with other people. Only with such closeness can we experience the full depth of mutual love. However, having found true love, we begin to become aware of other feelings that were previously hidden from us: fear of loneliness or unwillingness to accept ourselves as we are. Therefore, the search for love is fraught with the greatest fear, and that is why we need to rely on another person in order to dare to face this fear and overcome it. This is the difficult path that many Hearts Threes must go through.

But not all Threes face such trials. Sometimes they manage to quickly overcome their inner fears and fully enjoy true love and intimacy with a partner. The Birth Card merely offers certain behavioral patterns. Even if these patterns are negative, they can be recognized in our lives and adapted to in such a way that they cease to cause us pain. When meeting a 3♠ or any other Three, we can easily determine how far they have progressed in the path of awareness of their problems. Just ask about their love life!
