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Love cards: Two of Clubs

Specify your date of birth and/or the date of birth of your loved one to learn about yourself and your partner.



Two of Clubs


2 - Two of Clubs
the card of conversations

Personality Description

One can notice that people with this Birth Card have diverse characters. Some of them are afraid of almost everything - especially loneliness - and do everything possible to surround themselves with people who love them or with whom they can talk. They are sociable and derive pleasure from engaging conversations. But there are also other Twos of Clubs - living in solitude and seemingly not needing anyone. However, in reality, they are just as afraid of loneliness, and there is always someone near them to whom they are very attached. The behavior of the Twos of Clubs is largely explained by their Karmic Card - the Ace of Spades, which means a hidden fear of death or change.

Nevertheless, these people are endowed with many natural abilities and talents. They are indispensable in business and for people who prefer partnership in work. Their life path often turns out to be surprisingly smooth. This card is provided with powerful protection, and the Two of Clubs has a lot to be grateful to fate for. If they just understand how abundant their life is, it will help them get rid of their hidden fears.

The Twos of Clubs love to converse and exchange ideas. They have brilliant mental abilities, which they know how to use perfectly. These people are witty and charming, if only they are not overwhelmed by fear, which makes them irritable and capricious.

Much is predetermined in the lives of the Twos of Clubs, so part of their task is to simply accept things as they are (especially themselves and their immediate environment).

2 - Two of Clubs
the card of conversations

Personality Description

One can notice that people with this Birth Card have diverse characters. Some of them are afraid of almost everything - especially loneliness - and do everything possible to surround themselves with people who love them or with whom they can talk. They are sociable and derive pleasure from engaging conversations. But there are also other Twos of Clubs - living in solitude and seemingly not needing anyone. However, in reality, they are just as afraid of loneliness, and there is always someone near them to whom they are very attached. The behavior of the Twos of Clubs is largely explained by their Karmic Card - the Ace of Spades, which means a hidden fear of death or change.

Nevertheless, these people are endowed with many natural abilities and talents. They are indispensable in business and for people who prefer partnership in work. Their life path often turns out to be surprisingly smooth. This card is provided with powerful protection, and the Two of Clubs has a lot to be grateful to fate for. If they just understand how abundant their life is, it will help them get rid of their hidden fears.

The Twos of Clubs love to converse and exchange ideas. They have brilliant mental abilities, which they know how to use perfectly. These people are witty and charming, if only they are not overwhelmed by fear, which makes them irritable and capricious.

Much is predetermined in the lives of the Twos of Clubs, so part of their task is to simply accept things as they are (especially themselves and their immediate environment).

Compatibility of the Two of Clubs with other birth cards

Club Two women get along well with men of the Club and Diamond suits. If they are more attracted to the position of a housewife raising children, then perhaps Club men, especially the Club King, will make the best husbands for them. The Club Two women have stormy love affairs with Diamond men, which bring them a lot of pleasure, but not always long-lasting. Club Two men should take care of women of the Heart suit, relationships with whom are not very easy for them, but bring a lot of benefit.

The Fearful Twos of Clubs

Florence Campbell in her book "The Sacred Symbols of Ancient" is very harsh towards the Twos of Clubs. In her opinion, this is one of the most cowardly and psychologically unstable cards in the deck. From my own experience, I acknowledge that this is completely true in relation to many people with this Birth Card. The culprit is the Ace of Spades, their first Karmic Card. Being the great symbol of death, it can cause the Two of Clubs a feeling of anxiety and fear in a wide variety of life situations. The Two of Clubs, of course, is not alone in this, but it is in its life that this theme arises most often.

Many Twos of Clubs suffer from imaginary, or psychosomatic, diseases, they can turn into hypochondriacs and expend a lot of energy due to worries about their health. Other Twos of Clubs develop specific phobias - for example, fear of heights or confined spaces.

Not all Twos of Clubs admit to such fears, but quite a few do. The Ace of Spades as their Karmic Card symbolizes the realm of the unknown, lying beyond the rational mind. And in the case of the Two of Clubs, this unknown can give rise to the most nightmarish fears. For example, one of my friends - a Two of Clubs. When his first wife left him, he fell into such terror that he curled up in bed in a fetal position and lay there for six weeks! And yet he is a quite sociable person who has achieved certain successes in life. He has many friends, and his life is organized in such a way that he never remains alone with himself. Here again we confirm the fact that the Two of Clubs will prefer the company of any person to loneliness. This observation is true for all Twos, but for the Two of Clubs it is a special feature.

If we make decisions in a state of fear, as a result, we usually get even more tangled up in our problems. Afraid of something, we lose touch with our natural intuition. We are ready to grab at any straw, at anything that comes to hand, just to get out of an unpleasant situation as quickly as possible. And very often, the choice we make in such a state turns out to be wrong in the future. Fear to a certain extent is inherent in every person. This is a natural part of our nature, sometimes even bringing benefits in that it does not allow us to commit acts that will harm us or other people. However, by crossing the acceptable boundaries, fear leads to undesirable consequences, which is what happens with some Twos of Clubs. They make decisions based on fear - and this greatly complicates their lives.

The way for the Two of Clubs to overcome this negative trait is to face their deep-seated fears. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." - said Winston Churchill. This thought is quite applicable to the situation of the Two of Clubs. The main thing that people with this Birth Card need to do is to admit their fear to themselves, shed light on the secret corners of their subconscious, and turn face to face with the monsters dwelling there. If this is achieved, the Two of Clubs will find a new source of power - the mystical energy embodied by the Ace of Spades, the ancient symbol of secret knowledge and the Order of Mages.
