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Love cards: Two of Diamonds

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Two of Diamonds


2 - Two of Diamonds
cunning businessman

Personality Description

Diamond Twos are endowed with innate intuition. If they are guided by it, they will definitely follow the right path that will lead them to success. This gift of intuition is closely connected with a high system of values and a sense of a special mission in life, the implementation of which often involves partners and even just acquaintances of the Diamond Two. These people are to a certain extent ambitious and most often strive for money. This ambition is useful, as it pushes them out of the rut (which Diamond Twos tend to get stuck in, especially in love relationships). If Diamond Twos listen to their inner voice, they will quite quickly gain the well-deserved reward. As a rule, they strive to devote themselves entirely to one thing and reach the pinnacle in this field. This is one of the luckiest cards in the deck, and if the Diamond Two failed to achieve prosperity, they can only blame themselves. This card was called the "cunning businessman" because the people associated with it are usually involved in business and financial matters. They often work in partnership with friends and acquaintances. The Two of Diamonds is a partnership card in general: its representatives rarely work alone.

The Two is the number of logic, and Diamond Twos are quite reasonable and calculating. They often enjoy working on a computer (and they are good at it). But if the Diamond Two experiences emotional problems, their sharp mind turns into a critical and pessimistic one.

From a financial point of view, this is one of the most successful cards in the deck. As a rule, Diamond Twos manage to make a large profit from their activities, especially after the age of 35. They have reason to thank fate.

Diamond Twos need to be careful that social obligations do not undermine their health and well-being. Sometimes they are so immersed in work that they forget to take care of themselves. They may become wealthy through real estate, especially in their later years, and maintain good health until old age. Such people are quite capable of living to be a hundred years old.

Some Diamond Twos feel that their life is filled with special meaning and is directed towards the fulfillment of a certain "mission". This mission is to bring the highest knowledge of one kind or another to humanity and to close people. Diamond Twos are the messengers of Light.

Relationships of Diamond Twos with other people

In the romantic sphere, the Diamond Two is characterized by strong and lasting attachments, clear ideals and principles in love, which, on the one hand, are completely delightful, but on the other hand, these same principles and attachments can become the greatest obstacle to achieving happiness in love. Diamond Twos should understand that love and marriage are not reduced to some rigid ideals. Having entered into a relationship with a partner, the Diamond Two usually cannot abandon their rules, even if it is necessary. Because of this, unsuccessful relationships drag on for a long time. As a result, the Diamond Two can become embittered, turning into a misanthrope. Diamond Two men, whose married life has not worked out emotionally, will have mistresses, but will resist divorce at all costs. Before entering into marriage, such people should give up the belief that marital bonds must be eternal.

The Pluto Card of the Diamond Two is the Ace of Hearts, indicating a strong but usually secret need for love. Of course, the Diamond Two may not attach importance to this, since people with this Birth Card pay too much attention to the intellectual side of life and professional activity. But the inner thirst for love and self-respect lies at the root of most of the Diamond Two's love problems.

Usually, Diamond Twos have a developed intellect. But being an excellent aid in a career, their powerful mind can be an obstacle to success in personal relationships, as it blocks the ability to experience and express feelings. If you make an effort, this obstacle can be overcome, and then the Diamond Two will learn to share their deepest sensations with their partner, which is necessary for building a healthy relationship.

Compatibility of Diamond Twos with other birth cards

Diamond Two women can enter into a successful marriage with Spade men. Diamond Two men will feel more comfortable with Hearts women. All Diamond Twos have good friendly relationships with Club women.

For love and money

Diamond Twos have much in common with the Aces of Diamonds when it comes to love relationships. These common patterns are related to the fact that in the Main Life Spread, the Diamond Ace stands next to the Heart Ace. These two Aces are actively manifested in the Life Spread cards of both the Diamond Two and the Diamond Ace, not to mention the fact that the Heart Ace is the Karmic Card of the Diamond Ace, and the Diamond Ace is the Karmic Card of the Diamond Two. The special emphasis placed on the two mentioned Aces explains a lot about the character traits of Diamond Twos and Diamond Aces: both of these cards strive with all their might to achieve success in work and love at the same time.

The Pluto Card of the Diamond Two is the Heart Ace, and the Final (Cosmic Reward) Card is the Diamond Ace. Often the Pluto Card and the Final Card represent a choice that a person must make. What do I want: happiness in love (Heart Ace) or success in a career (Diamond Ace)? This is the question that Diamond Twos and Diamond Aces must answer. In the case of the Diamond Two, the Heart Ace as the Pluto Card indicates the deep-seated need for love in people with this card. This task they must solve throughout their lives. Diamond Twos are endowed with excellent intellect and often achieve great success at work. But in their love life, the Heart Ace denotes their weak point - a problem that is very difficult to cope with. In this area, no intellect can help.

When falling in love, Diamond Twos completely give themselves over to passion. The opportunity to satisfy their long-standing need for love makes such a strong impression on them that sometimes they feel that besides their relationship with their beloved, they no longer need anything else. This feeling is similar to the sensations of a thirsty traveler in the desert who suddenly finds an oasis. Work and career immediately become secondary for the Diamond Two: it is too difficult to resist the influence of the Heart Ace. But over time, when the "honeymoon" stage in the love relationship is left behind, problems with the partner begin to arise. When this happens, the Diamond Two panics. They try to calculate the relationship in advance, applying their intellectual abilities to the realm of emotions, but this usually does not bring good results. In fact, the Diamond Two needs to ponder not their relationship with their partner, but their own rigid idea of love and marriage. Instead, the Diamond Two continues to tell themselves: "I can't get divorced. I can't get divorced. It's better to stay in the marriage than to get divorced" and similar things. The person continues to cling to an unproductive situation, constantly complaining about it, but doing nothing. Some Diamond Twos enter into an extramarital affair, which can last for many years, but they still do not divorce their legal spouse. And if they manage to break off an unsuccessful union, they, as a rule, become disillusioned with love and return to work in order to at least compensate for their failure here. After some time, the entire cycle repeats itself.

Such cyclicality of love life is not a strict rule for Diamond Twos, but it is quite common in their fate. However, if a person can admit to themselves that they need love and attachment, then they will also be able to overcome this pattern. In general, the Diamond Two is one of the happiest cards in the deck. They have everything to achieve success at work and well-being in family life.
