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Love cards: Two of Hearts

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Two of Hearts


2 - Two of Hearts
the card of a love affair

Personality Description

The 2♥, belonging to the special group of Semi-Fixed Cards, has a Karmic Spiritual Twin - the A♣, with which it shares many common properties. Belonging to the Semi-Fixed Cards gives the Two of Hearts willpower: they are confident in their actions and do not accept outside guidance. They are naturally endowed with excellent intelligence and insatiable curiosity, which contributes to intensive intellectual development. But at the same time, the Hearts Twos never change the essence of their card: first of all, they are "lovers". They are characterized by a great need for communication with people and very high, sometimes unrealistic ideals regarding love and marriage. The Hearts Twos always prefer the company of other people to loneliness. They can wait as long as necessary for the one person they need the most to give them absolute and devoted love. However, in some cases, the Hearts Twos can strongly recoil from what they so desired, if their fragile ideals are shattered by the harsh reality. They need to find a balance between the desire for highly spiritual love and the reality in which we live and with which their dreams of love are so often confronted. Developing a more practical approach to love can be of great benefit to them.

The Hearts Twos have a fairly happy life, especially in the area of material well-being and business. But still, they need to be careful in all business relationships. To avoid problems, financial agreements should be drawn up very precisely. The Hearts Twos almost always come to business partnerships - that's why they need to learn to be attentive. It is also advisable not to mix business relationships with love (a quite possible situation for the Hearts Twos).

The Hearts Twos usually prefer the company of wealthy and influential people. From time to time, they have fears and anxieties in the area of financial affairs, and care must be taken that this does not affect their health and well-being. The Hearts Twos can benefit from studying metaphysics. Many of them are endowed with natural medium abilities and can use them for fun or for the good of the cause. But being Capricorns (this Birth Card falls on only one day a year - December 29), all the Hearts Twos tend to be too demanding and practical about themselves and others.

The Relationships of the Hearts Twos with Other People

The Hearts Twos are, first and foremost, the card of a love affair, and they must have a partner in their life. Like the Clubs Ace, the Hearts Twos usually prefer to have some kind of partner next to them rather than remain alone. But there are still cases when they refuse love - if they are traumatized or if they are disappointed. The Hearts Twos have an intellectual approach to love, and they need to learn from experience to compare all their theoretical ideas in this area with reality. They also need to be careful in expressing their passion, since the Hearts Twos often find themselves in a test situation associated with the pursuit of pleasure (especially at the expense of another person).

Compatibility of the Hearts Twos with Other Birth Cards

The Hearts Two women are often attracted to Diamond men, especially if they have money and success. They can also make a good marriage pair with Hearts men, who are very attractive to them. The Hearts Two women usually befriend Spade men. The Hearts Two men are often good friends with Club women.

Karmic Spiritual Twins

The 2♥ belongs to a special group of four cards called the Semi-Fixed Cards. But this name does not reveal the full picture of the special relationship between the cards in this group. The fact is that the Semi-Fixed cards are two pairs of cards that move annually in the Great Solar Spread. The 2♥ and A♣ annually exchange places with each other (just as the second pair - 7&diamonds; and 9♥). This does not happen with any other card in the deck. But the most interesting thing is how these two pairs of cards are connected to each other. The 2♥ and A♣ are so similar in their properties that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. If we look at their Karmic Cards, we will see that they are the same. The same applies to the second pair of Karmic Spiritual Twins - the 7&diamonds; and 9♥. From this point of view, we can say that these pairs are spiritual spouses. Although this does not at all mean that you will find many 2♥ married to A♣. After all, it is difficult to find even the 2♥ themselves in life, since they have only one birthday a year - December 29. And considering how rarely people with this Birth Card are encountered, it is quite surprising how often their parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, lovers and close friends turn out to be the A♣.

When the 2♥ meets the A♣, it is the same as if you met a person born on the same day as you or having the same Birth Card as you. This meeting has a huge potential for the possibility of marriage or intimate relationships. If such people have romantic relationships, they consider them the realization of their dream. But the relationship of Karmic Spiritual Twins also includes some debts or unfinished business from a past incarnation that need to be worked out. It is impossible to determine what these debts are or who in this pair will pay or receive them in this life. However, it has been observed that the Hearts Twos much more often form unions with the A♣ than with all the other cards in the deck. And in addition, these two cards replace each other in the Life and Spiritual Spreads. These facts alone indicate that there are good reasons for the mutual attraction of the 2♥ and the A♣, and that their relationship is very important for both of them.
