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Tarot Card Online fortune telling Astrology Numerology Lunar calendar Horoscopes

Nakshatra 26. Purva Bhadrapada


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People with the Moon in the 26th lunar house are known for their seriousness, goal-seeking, self-discipline, self-control, composure, perseverance, patience, confidence, determination. This position of the Moon favors warriors defending their land, farmers and a barter trading as well. It also gives a possibility to achieve a high social and financial level, mostly not due to own efforts, but with the help of cooperation with friends, relatives or protection and recommendations of the influential people of elder age, mostly women. Signifies marrying elder partner or a widow (widower). If the Moon has negative configurations with other horoscope objects, especially with Neptune, it is not recommended to travel by sea, gives a negative impact on health, especially on a mental health. Sometimes can give unhealthy fantasies, distorted perception of realty, hallucinations. People with such Moon are often followed by melancholy, gloom, pessimism, caprices, whimsy, quirks and hysterics.

Today April 23, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun s 4° 5' 36"
W Moon k 1° 43' 20"
E Mercury a 16° 6' 36"
R Venus a 22° 58' 32"
T Mars c 24° 41' 51"
Y Jupiter s 22° 26' 47"
U Saturn c 15° 58' 46"
I Uranus s 21° 58' 44"
O Neptune c 28° 42' 15"
P Pluto x 2° 5' 5"
