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Haircut lunar calendar for July 21, 2022


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Haircut lunar calendar for July 21, 2022.

This Lunar calendar is made for the city of Washington, D.C..

You must choose your city of residence, as the duration and the beginning of the lunar calendar differ for each city.

Heads up!Since the Moon is moving very fast along the ecliptic (for example, a lunar zodiac sign, a lunar day or even a moon phase can change), this means that during the day the favorable influence of the moon can be replaced with a negative one, and vice versa. Please, pay attention to the time of your haircut!
Haircut recommendations for July 21, 2022

Zodiac sign and lunar day has not changed in the last 24 hours

The influence of the lunar day at the moment – negative

You should not get a haircut today – this might ruin your relationships with others and become a source of many problems. It is better to trust coloring you hair on this day to a close person – this will attract positive energy and put you in high spirits. When styling, choose curly or wavy hairstyles.

The influence of the lunar zodiac sign at the moment – positive

Taurus has a favorable effect on the general condition of the hair. This is a good time for getting a haircut. A fresh haircut will have a positive impact on your emotional state, boost your hair’s strength and energy, which in turn will have a remarkable impact on your overall appearance! On this day, any at-home hair treatments using natural ingredients will be even more beneficial than salon procedures. During this period, we recommend any hair care procedures, be it coloring grey roots or plucking grey hairs, or hair strengthening treatments.

Half Moon

Half Moon basically has no effect on getting a haircut on this day.

Today May 4, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun s 14° 23' 31"
W Moon c 22° 58' 0"
E Mercury a 19° 1' 17"
R Venus s 6° 2' 10"
T Mars a 2° 52' 25"
Y Jupiter s 24° 54' 48"
U Saturn c 16° 55' 36"
I Uranus s 22° 34' 54"
O Neptune c 29° 1' 44"
P Pluto x 2° 6' 12"
